Over ArtEZ NICU training 2023

ArtEZ NICU training 2023

ArtEZ connects music therapy with Music & Medicine and explores new domains in the music therapy field. The Music Therapy programme therefore makes the NICU training (Neonatology Intensive Care Unit training) available to music therapists in the Netherlands and Europe in order to give an impulse to the use and development of music therapy within medical care and specifically within hospital care, neonatology and intensive care.

TIER 1 (for music therapists and other health professionals)

  • Review of the role of music therapy in perinatal medicine based on research and best evidence-based practices in neuro-psychological level for premature infants and their care-givers during the perinatal period from pregnancy to birth, and especially, in the NICU setting and beyond.
  • Examples of Environmental Music Therapy applications in the Intensive Care Unit.
  • Experiental music psychotherapy as an intervention for caregivers with traumatic experiences.

Tier 2 training will provide new & current research highlighting best practices in modulating the traumatic and potentially disorganized experience of an NICU environment. Tier II will provide methods for preterm infants and their caregivers (including antepartum patients) in
the First Sounds methods. Developing skills for music therapeutic interventions will include
MT for infants, parents and the environment. A post-test of question based on the above learning objectives will provide evaluation and grading of competencies achieved.

-> Please note that both tier 1 and tier 2 courses are held simultaneously, so it is not possible to participate in both Tier I and Tier II in this weekend. 

There are a limited number of slots available for this training.  Enrolment occurs in order of application receipt.
The enrolment becomes definite once payment has been received. 

More information and registrations 


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