Over Internationaal Congres voor Psychomotorische Therapie in Verona

Internationaal Congres voor Psychomotorische Therapie in Verona

X World Congress of Psychomotricity

4 - 7 May 2023

Verona - Palazzo Gran Guardia

Psychomotor disorders: update.

Perspectives for the intervention in Psychomotricity

The congress is organised by the Ciserpp, the Italian Center for Studies and Research in Psychology and Psychomotricity in cooperation with OIPR, the International Organization of Psychomotricity and Relaxation, the EFP, the European Forum of Psychomotricity and the University of Verone. It will take place in Verone, Italy, from 4th to 7th of May 2023.

The International organization of psychomotricity and relaxation (OIPR) is a scientific international association born in 1970s with the main purposes to create a network among the psychomotricians of all countries to develop a common education, to promote profession in the world, to support research. Currently it is made up of many delegations and organizations in Europe, in south and north America, in the Middle East and in Africa: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, Chile, Congo, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Italy, Lebanon, Mexico, Paraguay, Perù€, Portugal, Spain, Uruguay.

The European Forum of Psychomotricity (EFP) was founded in 1996 in Marburg and its main goal is to support the discipline of Psychomotricity in Europe in educational, preventative, and therapeutic practice; in foundational and continuing education; in professionalisation of the working field and scientific research. 14 countries are currently members of efp: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland.

The objectives of the CITAP Foundation are to foster the promotion of people in difficult situations or at risk of social exclusion, with special dedication to the care of minors and young people; to promote training, research and dissemination on those psychological, therapeutic and social aspects that can contribute to this, as well as to develop actions and resources in the fields of clinical intervention in psychomotricity, relaxation, therapeutic analysis and education.

This special congress celebrates the 43rd anniversary of the Ciserpp. In this long period Ciserpp has trained more than 15 thousand professionals contributing to the development of psychomotricity as a discipline and profession. The anniversary stimulates reflection on the current state of psychomotricity in relation to the past and considering the needs of the person today and soon. For this reason, we should ask ourselves how psychomotricity can better understand human beings and how can psychomotricians deal with it, based on scientific supports.

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